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  • Substation Predictive Maintenance: Continuous vs. Periodic Monitoring. Both of these methods are part of a diagnostic approach to equipment maintenance. Continuous monitoring, to us, means the installation of a permanently mounted diagnostic device on the equipment for the purpose of continuously polling the equipment. The purpose of this polling is to measure some aspect of the operation of the equipment and look for changes from a normal state. This polled information can be gathered and stored electronically at the site or sent to a remote location where it can be reviewed and acted on. Periodic monitoring, on the other hand, means applying one or more portable diagnostic devices to any equipment we select at a time we choose to do it. This type of monitoring will also tell us if the equipment is performing in a normal fashion. Both of these diagnostic methods are performed on-line. Meaning, they are employed while the equipment is energized and carrying load. Both methods have a place in your maintenance program decisions and both require a commitment toward employee training and management support.


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